The Expat Pakistan Community - Away From Home

Earaches can be a very painful thing to deal with. It can be especially troublesome for children, who more commonly suffer from earaches. As a parent, it's terrible when your child has a bad earache and you can't seem to help them. If you run into that situation, why not try a home remedy for an earache? However, before trying any home remedies it's a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

Pressure cooker - this handy kitchen equipment is often used to cook some Indian dishes. It will save you a lot of time as it speeds up the cooking process. This will become useful most especially if you intend to cook your food in their own juices.

Make sure you buy Ghee at home made from butter and not vegetable oil (AKA vegetable ghee). Vegetable ghee is cleverly disguised margarine flavored like ghee. It's full of trans-fatty acids which are destructive to your arteries and dangerous for your heart.

Turmeric or haldi is an effective remedy for colds and throat irritations. Half a teaspoon of fresh turmeric powder mixed in thirty milliliter of warm milk and taken once or 2 times a day is a useful prescription for these conditions. This a good home remedy for cold.

Mix 1 teaspoon of ghee in 1 cup of milk and properly blend the mixture. Drink 1 cup of this mixture before going to bed. This simple home remedy provides good amount of relief and helps in the treatment of all kinds of ringing read more sounds in the ears.

Most middle-class households now own a car. Wearing seat belt has saved many a life during automobile accidents. Unfortunately seat belts in most Indian cars are unsuitable for small children. So don't let your small child sit in the front seat of the car. Parents should lead by example. They must always fasten their own seat belts.

Standing twist: Stand tall with your right side about 12 inches from a wall. Inhale lengthen the spine, exhale twist the upper body to the right and place the hands shoulder width apart on the wall at shoulder height; elbows bent. Keep the pelvis facing straight ahead by moving the left hip back and right hip forward. Keep your chin at the center of the collarbone. Breathe deeply for 6 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

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